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Geykhman L.K., Stavtseva I.V.


From Customized Learners’ Dictionary to Digital User’s Reading Competence

South Ural State University (National Research University)


The present study specifies digital user’s reading competence via reading investigation in a rigorous analysis of contemporary social changes. The role played by customized learners’ dictionaries has been catching the attention of ESP instructors. Authentic texts selected for digital reading and customized dictionary as teaching and learning materials have competitive advantage. The authors give a model of developing digital user’s reading competence and prove its efficiency describing its technological unit.

Key words: reading competence, digital user, customized learners’ dictionary

1. Introduction

There is a constant development of people’s lives caused by social changes that influence every single aspect of daily routine and especially communication. Several information revolutions together with technological advances changed our society beyond recognition [2] and they could not help affecting reading as one of communication skills.

If in the past reading was associated only with the material printed on paper nowadays we have all sorts of electronic devices that make reading different. Electronic sources together with hypertext had a great impact on reading strategies and the whole set of activities needed for reading. There are psychological and linguistic changes in reading that make methodological and pedagogical science look different at how to teach it.


Секции июнь 2012