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UDC 616.15:577.112.386]-092:616.1-/.4-004.6:616.12-008.331.1

Buriak V.V., Vizir V.A.

Homocysteine plasma level - organ-targets subclinic defeat predictor in patient with arterial hypertension

Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Zaporizhzhya, Mayakovskogo 26, 69035

 This report is devoted the study of brachiocephal arteries remodeling process and plasma homocysteine content in patients with arterial hypertension. It’s set that hypertensive patients with extracranial arteries pathology are characterized to increased homocysteine level and more expressived pathology vascular remodeling opposite the patients with the second stage of essential hypertension.

Key words: arterial hypertension, occlusive-stenotic damage, homocysteine, intimal medial thickness.