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УДК 342.81(430)“18“

Боков Ю.А.

избирательные права граждан пруссии (1845-1849)

Волгоградский государственный университет, Волгоград, пр. Университетский, 100, 400062

UDC 342.81(430)“18“

Bokov J.A.

The Voting Rights of Prussian Citizens (1815 - 1849) [5]

Volgograd State University, Volgograd, University Prospect, 100, 400062



Because of considerable faults in limited class suffrage in Prussia the people were not very active in elections. Under the three-class suffrage it were the third-class voters who above all ignored elections because they saw that they could not affect the situation. The limited suffrage met the interests mostly of the wealthiest citizens thus the wishes of the far greater part of the population – the poorer citizens – were considerably ignored. The investigation is carried out within performing research work on FTsP realization «Scientific and academic and teaching staff of innovative Russia» for 2009-2013, the state contract from 09.06.2010 № P1291.

Key words: electoral right, Prussia, representative organ, the Constitution


Секции-июнь 2013