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УДК 902.21

Пестерева К.А. 1, Пестерев Д.А. 1, Chlachula, J.2-3


1Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М.К. Аммосова, г. Якутск

г. Якутск, Белинского, 58, 677000, Россия

2Laboratory for Palaeoecology, T. Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic

3Institute of Geography and Geoinformation, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, PL 

New Neolithic Monuments of Central Yakutia

This contribution reports on the state of investigations of the Neolithic sites in a marginally explored area of central Yakutia delimited by the right bank of the Lena River and the Amga River. The present field research following the previous (till 2008) studies includes an interdisciplinary geoarchaeology and Quaternary geology study approach, implementing a geomorphologic, stratigraphic, pedological, palynological and chronological mapping and laboratory analyses. These are principally aimed at documenting the palaeo- environmental and temporal context of the particular stages of the prehistoric peopling of this part of the central East Siberia during the early and mid-Holocene. The focus of the field mapping is on the former as well as the newly discovered occupation and burial sites. These archaeological locations display a certain variety in the geomorphic position largely situated in the vicinity of expanding thermo-karst lakes (alases) or on river terraces of small drained valleys and depressions. The geological deposits of diverse (aeolian, colluvial, fluvial) genesis, incorporating the archaeological materials and cultural features, indicate a marked dynamics of the past as well as sub-recent geomorphic processes affected by the climatic fluctuations since the Last Glacial stage. The ongoing degradation of the regional permafrost base accentuates the significance of the current field studies particularly in the least accessible and environmentally most fragile places susceptible to climate change liked to global warming.

Keywords: Neolithic, central Yakutia, permafrost degradation, geology contexts.

В статье рассматривается вопрос изучения неолита Центральной Якутии. Этот район Якутии является археологически недостаточно изученным. Все исследования, проводившиеся здесь до 2008 года, были и носили эпизодический характер. На данный момент открыты новые стояки каменного века, с характерным для этой эпохи археологическим материалом.

Ключевые слова: археология, неолит, Центральная Якутия, керамика, наконечник стрелы, резец, алас, ымыяхтахская культура, белькачинская культура.