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Науковий керівник: Войнаровська Н.В


Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут


This article is about the importance of personal characteristics of employees of tourism. Appropriate coordination of employees, motivation and corporate culture let a customer treat a travel agency loyally and due to this increase the profits of the firm.

Keywords: managing, quality of services, corporate culture. 

В цій статті розповідається про важливість персональних якостей працівників туризму. Відповідна координація, мотивація і корпоративна культура дозволяють споживачам лояльніше ставитись до туристичної фірми, а головне це допомагає збільшити прибуток підприємства.

Ключові слова: управління, якість послуг, корпоративна культура.

Analysis of various economic research says that the main efforts of tourism industry should focus on its staff. Effectiveness of managing people is a key function of the company and of human resource management. The human factor in tourism has a great impact on the tourism product.

Except technological training, appropriate knowledge, an employee also needs psychological preparation. The perfect sales manager of travel services must have such characteristics:

- higher tourism education; knowledge of foreign languages; minimum work experience; sales skills; knowledge of working on personal computers; sociability; self-education; orientation to achieve success; focus on achieving results; responsibility; resistance to stress.

This problem was investigated by Edvardsson. According to him, organization must not always comply customers needs and wishes. They do not contradict the concept of the importance of the customers, but they did entrust the customers opinions. The public and voluntary sectors of the tourism have social objectives as part of their organizational aims. This can lead to conflicts with organization and with customers needs.

The quality of tourist services is a complex problem. Employees could  influence the quality of services by watching at the mood of tourists, and to do something to make it more positive, they need to identify the specific requirements of tourists depending on  their nationality, age, profession, interests for different types of services and of course they need to have  favorable social-psychological climate.

 Employees of each tour company perform certain functions. The atmosphere inside the firm should support motivation for good work and the growth of professional skills. Different companies have different relationships between staff and customers. But the professional duty of  any worker in any sphere should comply with conditions of the proper attitude to work, it means that he needs to love and to learn how to work and  always improves his skills and respect himself and his work.

Nowadays, people, who work in tourism industry, and not only in tourism, don’t see their influence on the activities of the company, where they work, they see only their own source income. Employees of travel industry feel themselves as performers of different instructions and it influences the psychological state of the company negatively, which influences the efficiency of the work.



  1. Кузнецова Н. М. Основи економіки готельного та ресторанного господарства: Навч. Посібник.- К.: Інститут туризму ФПУ, 1997.  -  с. 43
  2. C. Williams, J. Buswell Service quality in leisure and tourism, 2003. – с.123
  • "Современные проблемы и пути их решения в науке, транспорте, производстве и образовании'2011"
  • Дата: Октябрь 2011 года
  • Проведение: www.sworld.com.ua
  • Рабочие языки: Украинский, Русский, Английский.
  • Председатель: Доктор технических наук, проф.Шибаев А.Г.
  • Тех.менеджмент: к.т.н. Куприенко С.В., Федорова А.Д.

  • Сборник научных трудов SWorld по материалам международной научно-практической конференции.